
Monday, August 25, 2014

Journal Notes.....I Don't Like August.....

I know that seems a bit negative but the cabin fever is getting to me.  August in the deep south is like the rest of the country's January.  It is simply too inhospitable (unbearable) to be outside.  Ironically, I still like it over June.  That being said, I needed to plant sunflowers and prune the hydrangeas.  Even this was daunting.  The heat index is in hovering around 110 with uv at other words...don't go outside.
So I planted some...but the morning glory seeds that were left over are choking some of the sunflowers that have so far sprouted.

The shots will look hazy because the camera had a hard time fighting off the humidity.  I probably should have let the camera outside for a while to adjust.  I used left over, bactoe, black cow and mushroom compost.

I probably should have taken a picture from before but I gave the hydrangeas a heavy pruning.  They seem to love them

They were full of black spot so this will help.  Also, I gave them aluminum sulfate, and bayer advance two in one granules. 

I put on the drip system over night to soak them because the rain has been really sparse

This should do well in a few weeks.

Aluminum sulfate to make the blue and purple

I like bayer because it's systemic

I miss the rain so much I take a picture when I actually see it.  In any event, I suppose it's just summer blues..but I can't wait for cooler temperatures.

Friday, August 15, 2014

August Bloom Day

 It's Garden Blogger's Bloom Day, once again.  If you are not familiar with bloom day it's where garden bloggers show what is blooming in their garden on the 15th of each month.  We post it on May Dreams Gardens.  
I have been swamped with house guests.  The heat, and just needing a break from the gardens I found I needed.  The property is about 15 acres with about 6 acres having gardens.

This is the back gardens.

Back porch container plants

Back rose garden


We have tons of butterflies...but this I think Moth.

We have been spotting that looks like a bald eagle.  It has a white head and a black body.  Two others have stated the same.....I think it is.

Hummingbirds have been migrating and they love bottlebrush.  But to photo them is like taking a picture of lightening.  I think I finally got a shot of one...but it's hard to see.


 Peach Drift rose


 Back of the house

I think even weeds are pretty.



 Encore Azaleas


 My six feet peacock topiary with a 20 feet tail.

It is covered with morning glory that is started to bloom.

 People around town thought it was a dinosaur.  Guess I need to trim.
It eyes is covered.

Tulip trees have 

crepe myrtle

Front Field

Wildflower patch


Lily area


Driveway is about a quarter mile long.  It is covered with oaks

Wild okra

Savannah Bird girl and spanish moss

Front of the house



My son and his friends visited from college 

Wild milk weed