
Sunday, February 15, 2015

February Bloom Day

Well, it's bloom day once again.  If you are not familiar with bloom day, it's where garden blogger's from all around the world, take pictures of what's blooming in their garden and post it on May Dreams Gardens.  The picture above I thought was bad but I found it to be a touch artistic.  A few daffodils are blooming.
I have countless camellias and azaleas, the azaleas haven't started blooming only budding.

These pale pink camellias turn peach as they age.

The back rose garden is still dormant.  I have thrown in the towel and called a landscape company to weed, edge and mulch it.  It's 3000 sq feet but I think a jumpstart will remotivate me and not feel so overwhelming.

Weeds have taken over a lot of the grassy area

I believe these are called huckleberries but I could be wrong.

Behind the rose gardens is where I planted the early spring bloomers in a few weeks it will be all aglow with camellias marking the beginning of spring for me.

Love how to it turns peach as it fades.

The greenhouse has been recently rebuilt.  I love not having visqueen but will admit that it insulated more I feel.  Some of the plants seem a bit touch with frost.

Winged begonia

My regular begonias have clover in them.

Sedum? I believe is about to bloom, first time I will see that with these.

My one blooming daffodil.  My MIL has an issue with her daffodils not blooming.  I often wonder if they are just hungry.

Some tulip trees are just budding.

My crocus' are starting pop up their leaves.

More huckleberry

The lily field is over come with weeds.  I think this week I will start mowing. My husband is gonna to look at my mower and make sure it is ready for the new season today.

Ah the peacock...I have considered having the landscape company maintenance the tail but they were not available for the rose garden until the first week of March so I may have to handle it myself and decide what to grow this year.
What I did last year.

Tulip trees I bought from Walmart on clearance a couple of years ago, I planted in the front field.  They are a deep purple and have the habit of blooming about three or four times a year.

Fuzzy picture but beautiful flower and smells wonderful.

I know you are looking at a patch of ground but there are literally hundreds of tulip and daffodil bulbs here.  I see a few daffodils popping up.  I have learned not to bury bulbs too deep.

Some are sprouting.

The peacock topiary has remnants of morning glory.  I planted confederate jasmine on them too...I have no experience with jasmine but I thought it was a perennial.  I wonder if they are dead.
Can't see it but this is a creek.  February is historically a wet month.  I hope that we won't be droughty like last year.  We had a severe flood last May.  I'm hoping things will be more even this year.


Philodendron are in pots next to Savannah bird girl.  The pots are nothing but roots but they come back each year..I suspect they have rooted through the bottom of the pots.

Well, I hope to do a better job this year.  There are no new project just maintenance.  I do hope to do more spring cleanup.