
Sunday, December 23, 2012

Why People Grow Roses

I think people grow roses for a variety of reasons or a combination of reasons....

  • Maybe it was given a gift or they inherited them in buying property where it was already growing
  • Maybe they enjoy cut roses for their home or giving them as gift to others
  • Maybe they enjoy them in their landscape or garden
  • Maybe they wanted to father a child with mother nature... like children they were curious what product their parentage and influences would produce..and like children it gives them a sense of immortality that their product of beauty would live on long after they're gone
  • Maybe they want to compete with rose....Let me preface this by stating that a.) I have never competed with roses b.) I may, very well, one day compete with roses and c.) I am competitive in nature....   this is where my analogy of children and roses disconnects.  I think competitiveness is a healthy concept (within parameters).  I, personally, feel that competition gives me a benchmark to compare my performance to others, motivates me to do a better job, and makes me more open to learning.  Where it goes south (no pun intended), is when you make unethical decisions or do not consider (or ignore) the negative ramifications of your actions.  In short, it is much healthier to show off roses then show off your children for obvious reason..
One of the acronyms behind my name is NOT Phd (I have a Masters in something unrelated to Psychology or Roses)  but I feel that people seek a sense of identification and esteem from things. I said I was a CPA.  That is my identification...I am proud of my gardens..thus a source of esteem. If people want to be proud of something or identify with something.....then I see nothing wrong with roses.

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