
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Backyard project- using the landscape designer

I mentioned in an earlier post that I used a free trail version of a landscape design program.  First I started with the original picture.

This was the original picture

There is rye grass now but it will be darker.  The cold frame will probably be removed  or screen instead of visqueen will probably but put in its I masked it.

Then I put the roses that are already in place and in bloom along with the popcorn tree and pussy willow
Then I added the likeness of the roses bushes I want to put in the ground in no particular order
This was tougher than it looked.  I wanted to get a sense of how I wanted this to look but I am  having a feeling that I will need to see the bushes once they start going to get a better idea....also there is a steep slope.  I wanted to create a natural pathway.  What I have discovered is that I have a lot of plants (24 roses) and many other plants that need a home...well, it's kind of a good start.  Also, there are baby magnolia trees that I need to account for their maturity.  I also need to consider the beds I want to make and the irrigation, mulching etc....once again, I have taken on a huge task but at least I am considering the front end work versus digging holes and putting plants in...right?

You know two pictures back where I just put the new plants on the program...looks kinda cool...I wanted an area around the pool for people to hang out so it can't go to close to where people will frolic...but I do like the concept.... will have to play with some more.

A couple of considerations I wanted to point out...

Gardens as a part of interior design-  The house has a ton of windows.   When I wake up in the morning, I can see the front yard.  When you walk into the house..the back of the house is a ton of windows so you can see the landscaping clearly.  As such, I want the vista to accent the interior.  My style is classic.  However, the pool (and the fountain) implies tropical..while the interior implies VERY classic, high renaissance paintings, busts of David, a library,...I think I need to change the spitter to something more classic in retrospect.  The problem is that I wanted the pool to imply the area but I think.  I am a bit inharmonious.  It does look good but I think I could do better with a more "classic" focal point.  Also, my son and stepson are moving off to college.  I intend on making my stepson's room a guest bedroom which is why all the clearing.  What will guest see from the guest bedroom?

Formal vs. Informal    When you walk out of the back porch, you see nothing but straight lines and angles.  The pool has a round shape but it tells me that I can, only, get away with circles and squares.  Unlike to the front part of the property where the drive is very curvy, I had the luxury of informality.  I do not have that luxury in the back part.

Roses as the only ornamental- I love roses, but I think they are better offset with other dimension (i.e. height) and textures.  I want to find a way to offer other height and textures without getting rid of the expansiveness of the back yard.  

Harmony-  I do like a lot of colors but when they are too close together without a pattern it seems busy to me.  Anyone who knows me, knows I am ADHD.  Thus, I crave harmonic patterns.  Like a child, I bought roses of varying colors.  I wanted to experience all kinds of colors, but if I am going to look at a landscape for a long time I want to see a sense of harmony.

Escalation of Commitment-  If you are anything like me, once a plant goes in the ground you are very hesitant to move it.  I have a gift for making mistake, recognizing them, and not doing that again hopefully.  But it's hard to move a plant (in my mind) once it's in the ground.  But I feel that I would be happier to correct it, then cringe at it.

Cutting Gardens-  I, initially,  wanted the backyard to be a cutting garden but considering that it is part of the interior, that it provides a vista, and it is the place I look at most, I am rethinking my concept.

Initial Conclusions-
  • The vista area I have drawn off and I am going to be open for the moment.
  • The roses I don't use in the landscape I will make a special area off specifically for cutting.
  • I am going to change the spitter.  I will probably leave it near the pool but I think a more classic one would offset the interior of the house.
  • I am still pondering the dimension vs. expansion issue.
  • The exterior of the home implies (american colonial?) and I am more classic (like french slate or dark stucco)...don't think I haven't considered refacing the house.  However, I was not going to change my tastes because of the exterior...I simply wanted to exterior harmonious with the interior.  


  1. I think you are very smart to be thinking about mature sizes of plants, irrigation, and style of garden before you start digging! If your roses are in pots, you can move them around outside (when it's warm enough to do so) until you come up with a design pleasing to you. Good luck coming up with the perfect design!

  2. Thanks Holley. I like your posts about evergreen. I think I am liking the concept of sky pencil bushes around the perimeter to "frame" the area. Sky pencils remind me of "living columns."
