
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Snakes, Spider, Cardboard, and Pittosporums

Today's agenda was to plant a huge purple saucer magnolia (tulip tree) and a pittosporum.  While cleaning up the corner of the house, I had to kill a snake and what looked like a black widow spider.  It was very messy clean up.  This area houses the spigot I use to water most of my gardens so I wanted it more accessible and cleaner looking.  Before I had the landscaping fabric down and it was a pain to deal with.  This time I laid down a bunch of cardboard.  I am lucky to have a husband who is a hoarder saver of raw materials.  I laid down cardboard and mulch and placed this lovely pittosporum in it.  Given I could not find a picture of this corner from last year, I suspect I really didn't like it.  There was an Endless Summer Hydrangea and a tree here.  The tree is gone and hydra is in the back yard now.  I like this a whole lot better.

It's a bonsai looking tree.  It doesn't like the cold so it does have awning s to protect it but it's on the southside of the house so lots of sunshine and near the irrigation so it will get plenty of least that is what I read here....

                  Caring for Variegated Pittosporum

This is what it looked like a few days ago.  It overgrew with weeds.  The Hydra was being choked and the tree behind was getting unruly.

I finally got this purple saucer magnolia in the ground.  (tulip tree).  I have been desparately trying to green screen this barn.  One day I will manage it.

As you can see behind it, I am trying to hide stuff.  The barn is also on the drive BEFORE you see the house.... much better.


  1. My MIL spent years trying to hide the cowpen. A single large camellia near the house accomplished what she was never able to do: plant in the sight line, not against the eyesore.

  2. Your corner looks great! All that work was worth it!

  3. I forgot to ask what kind of snake you killed?
