
Monday, April 8, 2013

Tree Stumps...what to do with them....

What to do with tree stumps.  Sometimes, if you are lucky they are dead.  This is a tree stump that is around a pool area that was cut long ago.  This was taken in 2012...where I attempted to put wildflowers.
I later put in a seahorse fountain.  But given that this location was very visible to the interior of the home..the seahorse didn't match.

I replaced the top of the bird bath (and made the base a plinth or should say my husband did) and now it serves as a statuette.  You need to make sure it's level..for the record.

I replaced the wild flowers with Mexican Heather

There is a tree stump in the bend of the rose garden..will probably wind up being an ornament holder as well.

This tree stump was dead center of a perinneal bed.  We are going to put a sundial on it.

My husband did a lot of stuff...but he put a ton of rocks around it and cemented the interior....Am I nervous about the tractor and my plants?  You betcha.

There is a big magnolia behind this pile.  It grew their naturally and I don't cut magnolias as a general rule.  I cleared the area and left it...but am wondering if it is going to be a problem with the sundial.

Rock Pillar...this was his idea...I think it's fabulous.

More husband also brought me more bricks for the beds

This was taken this morning.  It is not mounted but you will get the idea

So, I'll update you when it's mounted...still a work in progress.


  1. I would think the magnolia would be a problem for the sundial only if you are going to depend on the sundial for knowing the time. (joke) Which direction is the tree from the sundial?

    Stumps do make good plinths, don't they? Stones are a great solution for many problems, too. There is nothing like a handy husband who has machinery, for a gardener.

    Some of our stumps we hauled in soil and made berms over them. In an online landscape course I took once, we had jokes about berms needing to be much, much larger than 2x6 feet else they look like graves.

  2. I usually just wait patiently for them to rot! I had never thought to use them as a base for ornamentation. Very smart!

  3. @Nell, I, highly, recommend any gardener to get a husband like mine (patient with honey, do lists), engineering degree, and a saver of resource (under breath, hoarder) I am intrigued by the online landscaping course...remember I have been gardening for a little over a year I appreciate the fact that I know nothing... got a link?

  4. @Holley, some of them have rotted. What do you do after they rot. The one that hasn't been address I have consider a metal planter????????

  5. @Nell, regarding the magnolia, very , very good point...No need to sacrifice a tree over a shadow.

  6. It's been ten or fifteen years since the online courses at Barnes & Noble. Authors would offer courses based on their books. This particular one was Garden Blueprints by Becke Davis. The book alone was worthwhile, but coupled with a several weeks' course complete with syllabus and projects it was very helpful.

    I looked and can't find anything like that any more except for Open Courseware from places like MIT .

  7. @Nell, wow...MIT. I would like to see if Texas A & M has something since I seem to pull up their stuff a lot.

  8. Texas A&M has a multitude of horticulture sites within their web site. You might look for the 'Master Gardener' handbook that they use in that short course and read the Landscape pages in it.

    MIT's courseware landscape offerings are geared toward other than what you and I need. One of their landscape courses has to do with taking a particular plot and deciding what structures to build on it. We HAVE structures, lol.
