
Saturday, May 18, 2013

My Favorite Sprinkler for Large Flower Beds

I have lots of sprinklers but I find myself rotating just one.  It is a Gilmour High Rise telescopic sprinkler.  It's inexpensive, covers a large area, and best of all...does not beat up flowers.  Click the link for more information.

It spray a very large area.  If you google it you will find it runs from $10 to $20.

I put the link on but you will find that it might be your favorite sprinkler.
Journal Notes
Black Bacarra and Moondance are blooming

Black Bacarra


  1. That looks like a lightweight, easy to move sprinkler. Do you have any trouble sticking the spike into the ground?

    Where the sand is hard packed I sometimes could not get my metal spikes in the ground far enough they didn't fall over.

  2. EXTREMELY less than a pound if you ask me. There are two problems that I have with it..the first what you asked...sometimes it is hard to get the spike in the ground...but I typically can find a spot.
    The other problem is sometimes it stops spinning...I have other telescopic sprinklers that have quit rotating entirely but I didn't like them because they beat up my plants. For all the sprinklers I have, this one was well worth the 15 I paid for it.
