
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Rose of the Week ... Memphis Music Rose

Memphis Music Rose
I have roses that are my favorite for different reasons, but Memphis Music is my favorite, beauty wise. The picture above was taken yesterday.    She is a deep red rose with yellow stripes...the red does not fade with sun.  It is a mini flora as shown here with my hand for dimension.  I bought them from Two Sisters Nursery which ironically, is run by a mature gentlemen that sells own root roses.  When you call, you are talking to him personally.  They are own root roses (I believe all of them and not just the mini-floras.) These were the closest to the Abracadabra Rose as I could find.  They are one of those roses, you love or hate...I love them....

Rose bed last October

I don't have the greatest sense of smell but I do have an affinity for unique roses and she is probably my favorite rose as far as beauty......  She has no fragrance that I can detect and pretty thornless....I don't notice issues with diseases or pests....I love them.
If you would like more specifics on the Memphis Music Rose....Click HERE
Journal Notes....(meaning you will probably want to ignore the following as it is more for my notes than readers)

Garden has gotten very weedy...will start blocking weeds somehow

Need to remove dirt from pool...somehow

Manifold to irrigation system needs to be put in and tubes run

Sundial still being installed.  Weeds are high there and water retention is horrible.

Weeds and wild ferns growing in.  Considering putting in the coleus in this spot or the hydras

Container plants are place marker for roses (future).  Need to plant cassia somewhere.

Blue Girl is blooming

I believe this is Eclipse...for future reference need to place plant tags

I believe this is Olympiad


Spirea looks great next to Altissimo


This is Tiffany...I thought it was Promise

Gold Medal...since it is the oldest rose I is taking seniority in the Garden

Tangerine Streams

Having an issue with black spot and aphids lately, time for the second set of Bayer

Mexican Heather needs pruning

Mystic Haze Dahilas....MIL gave me...they are beautiful

Last stone need to be placed on sundial to smooth out the plinth

Put in red brick..will use leaves to bulk up mulch

Climbers are getting eaten by bugs...I suspect because the light is on at night attracting them...too bad the frogs don't eat them more....  The stain for the concrete should be in , in a couple of weeks

From bottom to top starting with corner.  Pinata, St. Joseph's coat, gardenia, Don Juan, Gardenia, St. Joseph's coat, Gardenia....  need to mulch or weed block some way.


DO NOT plant daffodils and tulips in front of hydra bed...this is a weedy mess.

Tulips and daffodils...they didn't get enough water here.

Memphis music has gotten weedy from the rye grass

 Cat tore up my tassels wonder her name is "Evil Kitty"  not to mention decapitated animals that I am having an issue identifying...impressive for an animal that weighs less that 10 lbs...wish she would stop..

Opted not to take up, JFK..but saw JFK bare root in the trash at co-op...I'm inclined to think JFK does not do well, bare root.  But the interior still looks alive and Ebb Tide took it's time so instead of digging up JFK, I left it....this is Piscali..note the position to the Magnolia.

I do not do well with growing roses in I put Isabella in the ground...I have better luck....note that the closer to the sky pencils on the slope...the more dense, compact, and clay like the soil because....had to amend more and the sky pencils seems very thirsty.

Charisma in front of Ebb Tide


  1. You have a TON of roses! And I am having an absolute fit over that statue by the pool! Lovely! You make want to try growing the hybrid teas again...

  2. I do love Aurora and she was much more affordable than you think. Look up Design Toscano...They have great stuff. I tend to be more "classic" in my garden ornaments and the interior of the home has high renassiance paintings, etc so I wanted the outside to match. I do have a ton of roses...well over 100...and I am very thankful I grouped this year vs last year...makes life a whole lot easier.

  3. I am enjoying your rose of the week series, and I really love the looks of this mini. I don't need any more roses, but if I happen to run across Memphis Music in my wanderings, I will now pick it up in a heartbeat! Love the red and yellow stripes.

  4. @Holley...I need another rose like I need another hole in the head. I was trying desperately to find the Abracadabra Rose but could not find them in the US. Memphis Music was the closest I found, and where I purchased them was the original maker. I, also, bought Rock & Roll. Abracadabra is a larger version of Memphis Music. She is deep red velvet and doesn't fade. I wish she were bigger but she isn't as small as a miniature.
