
Friday, June 21, 2013

Wanna See How Fast a Bed Can Grow with a Water Timer and Irrigation

Initially I had a soaker hose but not water timer.  I eventually changed both

This is when I put the automated irrigation system in and planted some more stuff.

I'm glad I keep the dates
Wow...if you don't think the water had nothing to do with it...I promise it did.


  1. Now if we just had an automated weed-puller and a lawn mower that worked like a roomba....

  2. Wow - that's amazing! I need to finish putting water in a few of my beds. This is some great inspiration! I also like Nell Jean's comment! :)

  3. @Nell, I say that all the time. The screen doesn't stop weeds..but it slows them down. I joked with my husband that we should screen all 15 acres. defense, some of these are annuals. By all accounts I overwater, but aside from the beds along the drive...I think it's impossible. I assumed the golden showers was a sleep, creep, leap plant but I am starting to get the impression is that if they don't get a lot of water, it takes them that long to establish a root system to bloom like they want.
