
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Rose of the Week... Moondance

The rose of the week is Moondance.  This was purchased potted...and has bloomed heavily all year.  It is a great cutting rose.
It was a 2007 award winner by AARS.   I haven't had many issues with it but the roses I bought potted have fared better than bare root, overall.  

It grows up to 6 feet.  Hardy up to zone 5.  Has a mild fragrance.  I think it has worked well in our steamy climate.

For more information on Moondance, click HERE


  1. That is a beautiful rose. I think we have one more good round of roses blooming before they're done.

    I looked back at previous years. Camellia sasanqua was juststarting to bloom by mid-October last years. Sometimes it doesn't do much at all until near Thanksgiving.

    The big Camellia japonicas are winter bloomers, maybe I just don't have any early ones. I'm not sure if they are temperature sensitive or day-length dependent as to when they bloom.

  2. A very pretty rose!
    I like the name, too.
    Have a great day!
    Lea's Menagerie

  3. Moondance looks beautiful! It must be challenging to take a shot of white roses, but your photo is great!

  4. @Nell...thanks....I guess fall was early last year...

    @Lea..thanks neighbor... & white are very hard & I have a cheap camera....
