
Thursday, October 24, 2013

Encore Azaleas...They have bloomed 10 out of the Last 12 months!

I don't know if it's normal, but my Encore Azaleas have not stopped blooming..with the exception of two months.  I have lots of azaleas and the ones in the full sun have died or struggle but those in shade have done great.  So I will say I have had a very positive experience from these bushes.  I pulled up the last year's bloom day and was amazed at how they have not stopped.

November 2012 can barely see it but it's in the front of the porch.

December 2012

January 2013

February 2013

March 2013

April 2013  ...ignore the date...that happens when I change the battery.

Not May 2013.  I didn't take a picture so I'm gonna assume no.

Not June 2013

July 2013

August 2013

September 2013... again ignore the date

October 2013

So they by far live up their name.  For more information, click HERE.  I believe these are called Autumn Angel.  


  1. Encore has lots to recommend it for a spot where you want continuous scattered blooms for most of the year. I looked at your link. It appears that there are dwarf and intermediate sized Encores, none over about 4x4 feet.

    So, they will not take the place of the old indicas that grow the size of a bus and give us about 3 weeks of early spring fairyland covered in blooms before they go back to being background, but they certainly have a place in the landscape. My MIL would have wanted some.

    I am thinking of digging and potting a rooted piece of Pink Ruffles to see if I can force bloom in the greenhouse, as if I need one more project. Potted azaleas were popular florist gift plants, 50 years ago.

  2. I am so jealous! I have tried numerous - numerous! - times to grow azaleas, and they all eventually die. Finally, someone this year told me that I wasn't preparing the root ball properly. He said to really rough it up, that azaleas were notorious for not sending out roots outside the root ball so to make sure there wasn't a "ball" left. Now, I haven't tried out this theory. I've been wanting to plant azaleas (again), but my husband said why would I keep wasting my money? But you really make me want to give it another try!

  3. @Nell...these are the first plants I purchased. This was in Jan 2012 but I do not expect them to get bigger than what you mentioned. In visiting Bellingrath & Callaway..I noticed a great deal of azaleas...Callaway I saw more encores. Makes me want to use heavy encores.
    @Holley...last spring I bought a lot of azaleas...some died or look possible explanation is too much sun. Azaleas that have planted in heavy shade & plenty of water have fared very well (ie around the house which get roof runoff & shade) Not saying I'm right but it seems to be the case.)

  4. Holley, azaleas want an acid soil and high dappled shade like under tall pine trees is ideal. Don't know anything about your piece of Texas, but some of Texas has alkaline soil and azaleas fare poorly.

    I bought an azalea once that was rootbound. It eventually died. Well rooted cuttings that are not rootbound will not need 'roughing up.'

    Janie, I think Bellingrath is more a show garden and Callaway has long been more 'test gardens' for new cultivars.

  5. For me & other beginners what is a test garden, exactly? understanding or at least thinking is they are trying plants to see how they fare in a certain environment....but otherwise they are a bit of a mystery to I close to the concept?
