
Saturday, October 26, 2013

I think Bryson City, NC people love trees....

I know the title may seem a bit simple or naive...but no matter how modest the home, everyone just had such a wonderful, diverse shrubs & trees in the landscape....

Back at home from the mountains.  My husband offered to take me to Biltmore on our last day....and I declined!  You probably think I was might be right...but I had compelling reasons....
First reason is was it was our anniversary & not just my anniversary.  A close second reasoning was because...just going for a few hours would have been more frustrating then glorious.  I wanted to process what I saw at Callaway.  Thus, the next anniversary trip we take which will probably be in 2 to 3 years we will stay in Ashville.  I'll have a few years under my belt, & I can take the time to look at everything.  

Anyway......we stayed at Baines Mountain Hideaway in Bryson City, NC.  
This is the view from the balcony.  On our honeymoon, we stay at Sky Cove
Similar view from sky cove 2 years earlier...pic is not a good one...

Sorry, I just thought this was a creepy hotel sign.

Back to trees....
The one thing that stuck out in mind, was the diversity of the trees...

One thing that come to mind is that I think we have more evergreens where I live.  I visited the Cherokee Museum...& they wrote that there were 2000 varieties of trees/plants & the Cherokee had names for 600 of these.  I wondered if the Cherokee cultivated them for medicinal purposes.  For instances, I saw tons of was my understanding (from previous studies) that willow bark is used like aspirin....just was wondering.

I saw Japanese Maples everywhere...
View from our cabin
The array of colors were spectacular

This tree here I wanted & bought!  When grown they make fabulous looking "haunted"

Our cabin

I really wanted to take more pictures of people's yards but given that it' rural...someone taking pictures will be met with great suspicion at best.

This it the tree I wanted.  I saw them everywhere....
So I went online & found a picture of a mature cedar.  The link that is in the next line is not the same image origin.  The one I bought is called "Bill's Blue deodar cedar"

Just a mystical time

Anyway, it was a magnificent time...& I cam back with an appreciation of something I too often overlook....trees!


  1. I love seeing the change of colors in the trees, but we, too, have more evergreens here, so the changes are not as noticeable. However, the mountains are gorgeous. Much more red and yellows - with just a touch of green here and there. Love the deodar cedar. I toured a garden here last year that had several of them. They were gorgeous.

  2. Me too, Holley...another thing that I think helps there is that there are mountains...where I live, it's very very you only see whatever trees at eye level..but in the seem to get a "stadium" view if that makes sense....
