
Monday, October 7, 2013

Journal Notes.....A Snake in the Grass

I have been touting the use of Mexican Heather under statues..  I am still am.  The one thing about having them near pools is snakes...I, recently discovered.  Since frogs like to go to pools, snakes like to follow frogs...  Recently we have discovered several snakes under the Mexican Heather.  We shot into it...but no least not a live one.  I have considered digging it up...but have thought better of it.  Snakes are everywhere....part of living around large gardens.  However, am going to look up possible solutions to my problem.

Two weeks after feeding the gardens they are starting to bud...this was taken a bit back...see it now...
Fragrant cloud rose..I cut and put inside the hosue.
Pretty rose


  1. That is a gorgeous rose, a timely color for fall, too.

    I take a benign view of snakes, they eat rats. I never stick my hands or feet into foliage where I can't see. Snakes are one of the reasons that I have fairly narrow flower beds that can be closely mowed with wide paths where there is room for both visible snake and me. Poke a long stick or hoe into foliage anywhere you are about to dig.

    Your being near a stream of water probably increases the snake population. Learn to recognize which are dangerous if you don't want to destroy beneficial creatures. There are non-poisonous snakes that eat young poisonous snakes, learn about those.

    You haven't had an alligator, have you? Someone in our county caught a record-breaking one recently, more than 14 feet long. He was so old he had snaggle teeth.

  2. I have taken on the same attitude about snakes....Funny you mention about alligators....we actually have a swamp on the property as well.... I have lived in GA, FL, MS, LA & now Alabama..unlike those states I have yet to see any other states, I have practically tripped over them...

    I want to discourage snakes in that one spot....any idea?

  3. I read this with interest. We have had a lot of frogs in the garden this year (I'm so proud of them!), but we have also seen more snakes. Did not make the connection - I didn't know that snakes ate frogs! Our cats usually let us know if there's a snake around. I'm scared of them all, and usually defer the killing or transplanting to DH.

  4. I looked it up after reading your comment...they'll eat anything they can catch.

    I mentioned you the other day..I remember what you said about people who like orange roses...:) I hate the color normally but love it in roses...
