
Friday, October 11, 2013

Journal Notes...Staining Outoor Concrete Porches & Patios

Not sure what happened to this post.  I thought I published it.  In any event, I am going to repost...very strange.

Anyway, this weekend we are staining the porches.  I am frustrated now that all my writing is gone but this is the before picture...Found the original ignore the above...

This past year I got real ambitious.  Too ambitious...I wanted to
  • Put in a dedicated well
  • Run irrigation through six acres of land
  • Put in a huge peacock topiary
  • Maintain the gardens already in place
  • Put in a huge back rose garden thousands of sq feet
  • Redo the back and front porches
  • Stain them
As fall burnout had approached me once again, I felt like a failure...but I had completed 80% of that.
The only thing I had not completed/finished was the back rose garden which is almost done, and I delayed the peacock.  However, the porches are going to be done.  I am wanting to stain them.  This includes the front porch, and the back patios....who knows maybe the pool..but not right now.  Tomorrow, we will do a minor piece.  The front porch.

This is what is looks like right now.  I have to pressure wash it thoroughly today or tomorrow..preferably today of all the dirt, and then stain it.  There is a variety of colors one can opt to stain concrete and you would be amazed at what you can do with concrete.  At the end of the post there is a link you can click to give you an idea.  The front porch receives a lot of sun so I wanted it to be pretty dark.

Curious as to what it would look like I ran it through the designer to see what a dark marble stain would look like.  I think it will look better than this depicts.

Below is just a web image of stained concrete so you could get an idea of what stained concrete can look like.  Amazing, huh?

If you want to see great examples, click this LINK.  I'll keep you posted


  1. My son has just had a patio done and it is so bland. It really needs something to give it some pizzaz. He once had a house with stained concrete floors so I am going to suggest he do this outside and use the same people.

  2. Outdoor curtains are awesome too...I get as many compliments on them as I do flowers....they are awesome....
