
Monday, November 4, 2013

Rose of the Week (and Last Week) Ketchup & Mustard and John F Kennedy Rose

 The roses of the week (& last week) are Ketchup & Mustard and JFK rose.  I'll start with Ketchup & Mustard.  I bought her (I believe from Edmund's) as a bare root and she was planted in late winter.  The unique thing about this rose (and as the name implies) is that she is yellow on the back of the petals and red on the front.
This picture was taken this morning.  But I, also, have previous pictures.  It evidently is a new rose because I can not find much information & my research shows it was introduced last year (2012)

I will rely on Edmund's information.  According to what I read, she will grow 4' x 4'.  This rose is a floribunda.  It's blooms are approximately 3" -4" in size.
It carries no fragrance.  My particular plant will bloom in flushes.  She is not a continuous bloomer...but I am also taking into account that she is young...not to just me but to I am inclined to think that she will bloom more profusely in the future.

She is truly a unique rose.

Not the greatest picture of her but this is the plant.  She has many more buds on her about to bloom.

 I love weird or unusual roses....  She is not disease resistance but I am inclined to think she likes the cooler weather.
For more information or to purchase this rose...since it was the only real thing I could find, click HERE

JFK I have a lot of  difficulty with.  If you ask this novice, I would say buy him potted vs bare root.  My 2 bare roots of JFK died, so I replaced him with one that I bought at the co-op..that is faring very well.  Even at the co-op I saw one in the trash that did not make it...and if Ms. Dina can't make it one can.  However, this one that was bought, is a magnificent rose.  I guess I am saying that if you buy it bare root...keep a very close eye on it.  I do think they are worth the trouble.
 I am probably painting a horrible picture for such a beautiful rose.  But I do need to say that the canes could be used as weapons..the thorns are very my point is (at least, initially) it is not a low maintenance rose.  BUT it makes a magnificent white rose. This one is approximately 5" wide. It is pure white.
 JFK is a hybrid tea rose.  It is no surprise that it's year of introduction was 1964 after John F. Kennedy.   According the web (thus far) it will grow 4' high x 3 ' wide.  It's 3' now so I am inclined to think it will get higher.  I have roses that are not climbers that are over 6' because of the water (is my guess).
The roses are currently dropping on the stem but I read that it may be because it's an unestablished rose. It also reads moderately thorny..I'm inclined to disagree on the latter part.  

I will say that it has bloomed fairly continuous....& if you can handle the initial maintenance and love big, beautiful, white roses...JFK might be for you but if you are new to roses...wait a bit.  For more information, click HERE.


  1. Mama grew JFK nearly 50 years ago in her 'plant a rose garden' phase. Her most succesful of that era was the Eutin rose hedge.

  2. Roses are probably the most cherished flower and there's a reason for that. They are beautiful and your roses are amazing. I love them but am afraid I'm not attentive enough to grow them but may try a native.

  3. @Nell....JFK is a magnificent pure white rose...I was curious about the Eutin...
    This link shows very little in reviews however, gardenweb gives it rave reviews....will keep a lookout for it.
    @Flowerfreak...what little I know of roses, I have discovered that there are so many variables to them...what works for me here may be horrible idea for New England...I will say that Knockouts have been the easier...& William Baffin, (I have two but they haven't bloomed yet) seems to fare well in the cold...don't quote me on the latter.
