
Saturday, December 28, 2013

Aunt Agnes' Beautiful Garden...Lots of Pictures

Can you believe I have never been to see my Aunt Agnes' garden?  It's truly amazing.


  1. Your Aunt Agnes has a stunning garden. She has some of everything: true lilies, daylilies, iris, gladioli and more. I saw a cycad and some white crape myrtle, so I'm guessing she's somewhere towards the Gulf. Everything is so NEAT, not a weed to be seen and no grass in the beds. Nice edgings.

    What a treat it would be to visit in late spring or early summer and just call all those flowers by their names! Thanks for posting all those photos. It's a winter treat for looking and dreaming of warmer weather.

  2. My Aunt's garden is clearly the point of feeling guilty on my part. She lives on the Mississippi coast. She doesn't use the computer much, if at I wanted to post them for her & to show the family how beautiful it is. I pale to her talent. I will have to visit when they are in bloom. I, especially love the ruffled iris looking lilies. I am glad you mentioned cycad. Mom could not remember the name.
