
Wednesday, December 25, 2013

My Christmas Present...Rebar for the Peacock Topiary Frame

My Christmas present (per request) Rebar! This is actually the material for the peacock topiary frame...a six foot peacock in the front field.  I can't wait! My awesome husband is going to construct it for me.  I will not make this a long post because like most of you, have family obligations.  May you have a happy & warm Christmas!

Rebar for the frame

A potential way to frame it.

Below are just examples of other peacock topiaries


  1. It will be a beautiful thing. What a wonderful gift and project. I like the flowers in the first pic and the shape of the bed in the last one.

    You could figure out the planting the way Gotta Garden did her famous Red Bed. She laid out coins in a big box lid, each coin was a different flower. When she got the layout done, she knew how many of each flower she needed by counting the coins.

    You know, like dimes arranged around a quarter would represent a big plant with little plants all of the same kind around it?

  2. Excellent idea...I am very lost still how I am going to do it. One thing I am adamant on is using annual until I get more acclimated to it. I also considered using things like spanish moss for white parts & a more feathery look. The other thing I wanted was a more violet/purple/blue vine vs green for the body. I am waiting until I see the frame before prepping the site. My husband has already made a small prototype but we are going to adjust it
