
Saturday, February 15, 2014

February Bloom Day

It's February bloom day.  If you are not familiar it's where garden blogger's from around the world post what is blooming in their garden's and post it on May Dreams Gardens.

This week I have been ill, and have not done much in the garden.  Not much is blooming, however.  At least not on my property.  However, I volunteer at a museum next door and they are beautiful this time year so I opted to take pictures over there and return back to my property.  I walk over there.

Museum's Flowers
Azaleas are beginning to but at the museum

They have countless camellia tree everywhere.

This one is my favorite.  It looks like a huge red rose tree.

The white ones are my second favorite.  They are beginning to bloom but this one is not in complete bloom yet

Meanwhile, back at my property some things are blooming

My blooms


Daffodils are popping up

So are the tulips

Weeds are in full

One camellia out of roughly 50 is blooming at the moment aside from the one above.


The greenhouse lost power during a horrible freeze so things look a bit sad in there.

Knockout rose

Lorapetelum blooming


Gets really hot in here.


  1. Love the pics! I am longing for color in my garden. Spring cannot come soon enough for me!

  2. Lucky you to be able to grow camellias - and have all those camellias right next door.

  3. Very pretty!
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

  4. You have some signs of spring there in your greenhouse which are a welcomed sight! Happy Bloom Day!

  5. Camellias - one of my favorite flowers, and one I can not grow in my upstate New York zone 5b garden. Thank you for the sneak peak at spring. Makes me feel warmer.

  6. Thanks all..these are mostly from the museum next door but it's the sign that spring is coming.

  7. We keep getting teasers that Spring is one the way. I'm always watching for that late freeze that takes out pretties.

    In the meantime, when Spring finally gets here I'm always amazed at how glorious it can be.

    Hope you feel better now that the sun is out again.
