
Friday, February 21, 2014

Journal Notes...Peacock after a storm, cornerstone herbicide, etc

A heavy storm passed through the night.  It was very violent.  Although you cannot see the frame well...around it is still water.  Now the rain was exceptional voluminous

This is not much clearer but you can see the outline of the peacock vaguely.  I am wondering if I am going to have address drainage issue.

Found it amusing to see robins pearched on it.

Camellias and azaleas are really starting to bloom.

Rain was so heavy the creek almost broke the burm.

Got another door topper.

And a birdhouse was given to's beautiful

Went to the co-op and spoke with Ms. Dina.  In remember what Nell had mentioned I looked at english ivy and confederate jasmine.  I did not understand the purpose of the spanghum moss.  Ms. Dina finally made me understand that the moss is like elevated dirt.  The vine will grow from the moss.  Which brought up new questions.  In the interim, I felt the next step was to kill all the grass underneath the frame and where the tail was going.   Ms. Dina suggested cornerstone.  I was also doing some bed cleanup and notice root systems in the mulch.  I asked I could use the herbicide she said yes but don't let them touch it.  For the moment, I think I will forgo putting this near plants I want until I understand how it best reacts.

She also suggested this stuff to lie on top of the mulch to prevent future seed germination.  The roses are breaking dormancy so it's time to prune.

Believe or not I did weed this the other day.  Will do it some more, lay the mulch and put the preen?  on top of it.

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