
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Journal Notes...Peacock Body

I know it's been a while since I posted but (for once) I was working in the garden a lot.  I think I finished the body as much as it will be done for now.  I will have to mulch around it.  I put rocks underneath it.  I rezip tied the confederate jasmine.  I, also, planted morning glories around the body as a fast filler.

Since the body tends to be underwater during heavy rains mulch would just groups so opted for small rocks.

Some of the ivy planted did okay but I think one died.  The problem is poor drainage here.  It's good for dry spells but bad for suffocating small plants.  That is why opted for morning glories as a filler.

I thought about putting a coconut liner in the trunk with some morning glory, but when I tried it, the liner I had was too big so I gave up the idea.

I finished screening the butt of the peacock.  I unleashed the final jasmine that was staked.

 We have done extensive mowing.  I am buying a zero turn mower but it isn't ready yet.  It's used.  But I did heavy heavy mowing as did my wonderful husband.  I can't believe my gardens are as big as they are.  Most days I don't think so but when it comes time to prune, water and feed, it really shows then.  One of the smartest things I did was put in an irrigation system or I would have given up by now.
I mowed many, many places and still have more to do.  The property is 15 acres.  Now, the gardens aren't 15 acres.  The front of the house has 6 acres and the back of the house has 9.  The gardens don't go past of the immediate back of the house.  At least not yet.

Front yard

Azaleas need feeding.  The hydrangeas need pruning and feeding as well.

We discovered that the pool had a leak.  I am not upset about this because I get a new liner of my choosing :)

When I was deadheading yesterday it takes a good 15 mins to do a large rose bush.  I have roughly 130...thankfully not all large.  Today they are getting sprayed.

Unlike the auger, that my husband uses a lot more than I because it's way too heavy, I bought a tiller.  It's loud but lightweight and easy to use.  I suspect this was a good investment.  I started tilling the tail.

 Fed bayer rose care to the jasmine.

As I began tilling the tail, I had an issue visualizing how big it should be.  I have opted to use "stripes" to grow the tail.  I don't think my mother was impressed but I will have to "hill" the plants.  The standing water will hurt them so I am going to make rows.  This year I will use annuals until I refine it.  I know I am going to use mexican heather, and marigolds.  Will think about the others.


  1. So exciting to see the Peacock Project taking shape.

  2. I bought vinca today, so now the " heat" is on to start the tail...
