
Sunday, August 10, 2014

Journal Notes...A Break, Heat, Rain & A Future Wedding

I have had a much needed break.  We have had a barrage of guests.  But time to get back to it.  However, the heat is unbearable.  There is a wedding in two months at the Swift-Coles Home...My husband and I married there about three years ago.  The home had been in my husband's family for it is a museum.

This is where the bride will be and that is the bride.  Figuring out the displays..I'll try to do on the landscape editor.  I'll be growing the majority of the flowers.

This is the house if you turned around on the picture before.  

This is the porch where I married.
This was my wedding day about three years ago.  
 Here is the link to that HERE.
The home has such beautiful landscaping.

Wonderful artifacts

Beautiful Interiors.

The heat has been unbearable and I find myself praying for rain.  I am always so thrilled when I see it.  From all the overwhelming things I have going, sheer exhaustion, and heat indexes reaching 110...I have taken a week break from the gardens.

I have had house guest for a week last week for the wedding planning.  The house guests did seem to like the landscaping.  Ah, sweet rain!

I still have so many plants that still need to go in the ground.  Some have died as you might have noticed.

Two weeks before I worked extremely hard in the gardens...I thought I would be showing the gardens.  It's amazing how things can catch up to you.  As an aside, the museum (where I volunteer) was in disparate need of a tractor and I happened (or I should say my husband) had one lying around.  So we donated it to them.

The greenhouse is in such shambles.  I think my husband has finally conceded to put more permanent materials this year.  The weather has been strange and I am wondering if frost will come sooner than normal.  

The visqueen has been repaired many times...I often wonder if it is just to old.  We used 6 mil? I believe.  Not sure how he is going to redo it.

Where have the bees been!  I have even gone so far to ask the local beekeepers.  My only conclusion is that since is a farming community that the bees have closer places to be.  (no pun intended).  I hope that is the case.  We do have a barrage of pollinators around.  We have dragonflies, hummingbirds, butterflies, and moths everywhere...but no bees.  I do see wasps....

In any event, I am coasting along...waiting for a reprieve of cooler weather and praying for rain.

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