
Saturday, November 15, 2014

November Bloom Day And Journal Notes

Well, it's bloom day once again.  If you are not familiar with Bloom Day it's where gardeners from around the world post on their blog what is blooming their garden on the 15th of each month...and post on May Dreams Gardens.  This morning was the first frost of the least, the first significant one.  The roses like the one above (Memphis Music) seemed to fare well.
Got to love the colors of fall...esp, this red maple I planted last year.

Peacock topiary finally died out.

All the sulphur cosmos in front field died but one.

Sumac does make pretty color

It is almost impossible to hurt knockouts.

Alabama Beauty Camellias in front of the barn.

 I, honestly, thing the roses like the cold...this is an Iceberg rose.
Encore Azaleas have been blooming for months,.

Bottlebrush are still going long after the hummingbirds have left.

B. Villegas rose opted to make an appearance.  At least I believe this is what this one is.

Rose garden is ready for it's winter nap.

Covered the Mexican Heather around the pool.

Green Ice really loves the cold.

 Granda Rose...I did not take a picture of every rose blooming but just the easiest to photograph.
Belinda's dream...I think.


Bad picture but the cassias are still blooming.

My husband's progress on the greenhouse as of this afternoon.  There are earlier pictures down the post.

Beauty berry

I clean my mower near the back of the garage...I think many of the sulphur cosmos seeds from the front field  migrated here.


Vincas are hanging in there.

Journal Notes
My husband has been redoing my greenhouse from visqueen to polycarbonate...the frost has been early this year...the pictures here simply show his progress...

I am not sure what his is doing here aside from "testing" the panel.

 I know this seems arbitrary but this is the first time I have seen an owl during the day.....we have tons of them but never seen them...
Covering the Mexican Heather by the pool.

First real frost of the year....


  1. Beautiful roses! And aren't Encore Azaleas amazing? Have a beautiful week-end!

  2. Happy Bloom Day! What beautiful roses you have in your garden. The iceberg rose is especially lovely.

  3. Love all your roses, but especially like the Memphis Music. Happy GBBD!

  4. Beautiful flower shots they were just beautiful; not much blooming down here just a lot of autumn moving in with a lot of colder evenings.

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