
Sunday, August 16, 2015

Belated August Bloom Day

 Well, darn  I finally missed bloom day.  But as an aside, when is that last time you saw a rainbow?  This one was a double rainbow but it is wonderful.

In any event, it is bloom day.  If you are not familiar with bloom day it is where garden blogger's from around the world take pictures of what is blooming in their gardens and post it on May Dreams Gardens
Despite the lack of blogging the garden has been tended to...though not by me...I had the landscape company come out.

I had them hedge the pool and popcorn tree.

 They once again did a wonderful job.

I have also been involved in redoing the interior of the house. We were faux finishing the living room which was involved.

I really did not like the yellow that was previously here so I am very pleased and have received rave compliments over it.

Back to the garden.....I have been neglectful but thankfully the gardens have still looked nice.

Perhaps I'll do some hardscaping

So until next time...happy bloom day


  1. Well, thank goodness. I was afraid you were sicker than I have been.

    I see lots of roses still in bloom there. Your yard people do a good job with edges and hedges.

    Bloom Day had to limp on without me. I didn't feel like going out to make pics. There's lots to see here: an hibiscus, several Esperanzas and Caesalpinias, the usual three colors of Lantana and various Pentas bravely soldier on, with or without me. Of course Tithonia invites butterflies.

  2. Actually I had a stomach flu this week.....but given I am so used to making excuses I did not provide legitimate is super hot here.....but this last week or so the humidity has let up a bit

  3. But I feel your pain, both figuratively and literally.....that is the wonderful thing about gardening, vs something like pets....they'll be okay without you for a little while.

  4. Have you given up Bloom Day? I hope you are well. Fall is almost here and plants will be moving inside. Again.

  5. Was trying not to but it happened.....we are under a freeze watch so will start again next year...thankfully my plants have made it through the season despite me
