
Friday, August 30, 2013

Rose of the Week...Peach Drift

This week's rose of the week is Peach Drift.  Or at least, I think that it's kind.  Conard Pyle (maker of Knockouts) has a drift series.  This shrub is low growing and profuse.  They are excellent for borders and to "fill in" rose gardens.  Though not a cutting rose (in my opinion) they are beautiful and hardy like the knockouts.  Even though the roses are small..they aren't delicate.
Deadheading is a little harder because they are small.  It may be self cleaning but I have discovered to just use shears to clip them.  I don't notice pest on them as I do others.  This is  recent planting but the bush is beautiful.

 You'll notice spots but that is due to spraying.
 You'll see some petals that have been eaten..but overall a healthy bush.

For more information on the Peach Drift or the Drift series, click HERE.

Journal Notes...  Other roses of note

Fragrant Clou

Weed I neglected to cut down but I like the little yellow balls.

Electron Rose

Queen Elizabeth



  1. Found an ID on your yellow weed:

    danglepod (Sesbania herbacea)

    'Gardens in the Sand' had it on his blog.

    Poisonous to cattle and prohibited in Arkansas because it competes in cotton fields, neither of which I guess you have to worry about.

  2. Are you okay? You don't usually miss Wordless Wednesday.

    Roses should be resting right now, getting ready for the big fall show.

  3. Hi Nell...but a rough couple of weeks...I'm fine...just has been a few adjustments...weird not having my son at home...and sickness...complain, complain, complain...coming back to life....
