
Friday, September 6, 2013

Journal Notes..Wildflower Update

Sorry, I haven't been around a's been a strange couple of weeks...I would elaborate but I'm not going to bore you.  A few weeks back I planted another wildflower patch.  I didn't expect to see blooms until mid September.  But they were blooming by the first of September...which was six noted.  I don't know if they will have time to self-seed but I have bought enough wildflower seeds that were on sale at Dollar General that it will not matter.  I have loved the butterflies and hummingbirds so much this year...even more than the flowers.  That is why I am planting more wildflowers...also, the very low care involved.
Last year, I kept the seeds from "Sam" the largest sunflower.  The sunflowers have not fared well...but with 150 of them some have made it.  Grant you they are nothing like the parent.

I couldn't tell you all I put in the ground but zinnias were another favorite that I am hooked on.

I want to say I made 20 or 30 holes but the bugs have been fierce.  I went for a Darwinian concept.

Keeping the grass down between them have been a challenge.

Fall is definitely approaching.

Last year I threw the sulfur comsos seeds along they drive...and they are growing in clay gravel

Another favorite of fall is beauty berry...which is excellent in arrangements.

This is a self seeded wildflower patch that came from last year.  We initially mowed it down but about June we stopped.  I do not take care of these whatsoever...and they are doing great....the sulfur cosmos will bloom in a month.

This is the sulfur cosmos I keep referencing.  It doesn't look like much but they make tons of blooms..and no care.

This is "Marvin the Martian" as I call him.  He has gotten huge since last year.  If you ever have seen them older you would understand why I call him this.  I haven't done much in the gardens for other reasons...but I am gaining momentum..hopefully.


  1. I understand perfectly about your child leaving for college. When I left my firstborn to start college in NY, I disgraced myself squalling on the plane home. When I finally got hold of myself and apologized to my seatmate, an off-duty stewardess on her way back home, she said, "Oh, that's okay, Honey, my Mama acts the same way."

    Your zinnias and things look great. It's that time of the year when the fall pretties haven't quite got going and the summer stuff is looking as tired as the gardener. I pull weeds every time I go outside but my heart isn't in it.

  2. Sorry for the delay in response. The computer I normally use..the letter D doesn't seem to would be surprised how often you need that letter...

    In respect to the empty nest...the closest to the experience is like breaking up with a will see them from time to time..but the relationship is never the same....

    In respect to the zinnia, the ones by the house are diseased...I have no idea have this issue?

  3. I don't have any zinnias this year. They tend to get rusty or mildrewed this time of year. Why don't you cut back part of them at a time? Leave the best looking ones for the critters and then cut them back when the cut ones put out new growth.

    You asked about mowing. He-Who Mows with a Kubota diesel riding mower with a 54" cut. I have a piece of conduit that length to measure my paths so he can get through every space and I will not have planted too close to the cut.

    I read a nice tip today. The writer uses black roofing paper to make her mulched paths. No weeds grow through. Water runs off into the beds.

  4. The idea of you not having zinnias seems shocking to me...and I don't know why...I suppose because you seem to be versed in the way..I saw a buckeye the other day...thanks to reading your blog,,,I know what that is...but you have tons of other plants that love butterflies too...the hummingbirds love zinnia as well but I am noticing they have a preference to orange. I am glad you clarified what was going on with my zinnia...I would cut them down..but the flowers still feed the wildlife so I leave it...

    The mow job is very, very nice...I am truly envious.
