It's hard moving plants. I was continuing on with designing my backyard. And every time I looked at that cold frame, I grimaced. When I originally started on the back yard you could not see the cold frame. But as I cleared the trees from around the house, it was blatant. I worked hard to get that bed right. It had manure, weed screen, soaker hose hooked to a timer and a cold frame...Those were some thought about strawberries! I don't like to move plants because I have an escalation of commitment I put so much work in it to move it! Well, that's true, but I will still grimace, so I was gonna have to move it.
If I moved to cold frame next to the greenhouse I could store a lot of plants in it because my green house was getting full. |
The rose hip pallets from the the last blog I wrote. |
When people get lily plants for Easter, they throw the plant away when it s dead. I ask for the bulbs. They grow back and you don't have to think about them. |
I am SOOOO glad I decided not plant this after I bought it. This is called a Princess Tree. I am returning it to the nursery or killing it....It is a beautiful plant, that will take over your entire property and everyone elses. I believe it's illegal in the state of Connecticut but could be wrong, so I had an escalation of commitment here but I am glad I didn't. Here is the link about the Princess Tree. |
This is where things get really "chicken and egg" I have bought conservatively over $10,000 worth of plants for roughly $140.00. They average around $1.00 a piece. I have a red maple in here (which I bought for $1.87) in the back that desperately needs to go into the ground. So if I don't plant them, I get at stand still waiting for the perfect moment. What I have been doing is planting plants where I KNOW I want them. |
Here is the cold frame in the back ground. As you can see I have been busy planting things . I have been busy putting all those ornamentals in the ground and I kept staring at the cold frame. |
Bed by the corner window coming along |
While I was slowly designing my back yard, I started to notice "paths" and I thought ...great people don't walk through my rose garden. |
This the cold frame after being removed.....much better...the strawberries are still there but Ill move them |
So I started other paths out of the pool area. Here I had two pittosporums in the front (there is a rose bush and a sky pencil in front of it. Camellias in the back. |
Now that cold frame houses all the plants that was making it hard to go in the green house |
Much better, I can walk through it now |
This is hard to believe, but earlier in the day it was 98 degrees in here. It was 55 degrees outside. I need a thermometer with more numbers! |
Other propagation methods I try is cutting...those cutting behind the water bottle are a couple of months old so I guess they are still living...when do I put them in the ground??? |
Is that a rhetorical question about when to plant out 2 month old cuttings? I take it they are rose cuttings? They can grow on in the pot for a long while, at least until roots are coming out of the bottom of the pot.
I've been meaning to ask, what reference books and online sources do you use besides the rose book that you mentioned?
I use a ton of references mostly online. I try to mention (as often as I can) in my blog that I have no idea what I am doing, so if you see something that doesn't sound probably isn't. If I reference something specific, like the Princess tree..I usually hyperlink under the picture.. The propagation of roses through rose hips I got off of the Texas A & M website.
TAMU is a great resource. If it will grow all over Texas it will grow at my place (and yours).
It was from Janie on the Texas Coast and TAMU that I was introduced to Caesalpinia, Duranta, Gold Star Esperanza, Grandma's Yellow Rose and Firecracker Fern, to name a few. Some of the Texas Superstars were a bust for me but most thrived.
Your space does look better with the cold frame moved. Although, I know what you mean about getting the soil perfect - then having to move the plants. :( Smart thinking about paths, too. I am so jealous of all the plants you have purchased. Your place will be a paradise soon!
Thanks,'s a bit of conundrum between putting them in the ground or waiting. The plants have all outgrown their pots...I, also, am tempted to put them elsewhere on the property versus grouped but I am trying to stay focused....just making little bitty decisions at a time and see how it comes out....I do want that "abundance" effect you mentioned but I want to be careful not to get rid of the expansive view of the back. The trees that I removed really blocked it and I don't want to turn around and put greenscreens back.....I do like the paths...although it wasn't forward thinking...when the sky pencils were in I notice a kind of path and thought about a
I want to look at some of those...their names are so cool sounding.
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