First, my deepest appreciation for those who gave their lives for our country and for those who are still serving it!
Comparing last Memorial Day to this almost is depressing. However, I do feel that there are many things that are vast improvements. The big difference is the lack of maintenance because of the backyard project.
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Split in the driveway leading to the house. Last year I planted wildflowers which was a weedy mess. |
Replaced with a fountain an mulch. Much better. ![]() Far view after completion ![]() Backyard last year. Pool was cleaner. Massive rose garden in progress Doesn't look better but it will. |
Statue replaced
Front bed last year
Azaleas had grown but looks weedier..this is getting discouraging
Creek last year
Creek this year. Grass had died and haven't been grooming as much because of other projects
Wildflowers and sunflowers in front field last year
Planted arches this year.
I figured out the difference. The rye grass has died and since we have been lacking rain greatly, the new grass has not come in. Opting not to have one more task, I haven't watered the lawn
Keep going with the weeding, your plants will grow. Just keep reminding yourself how good it will look in 4 more years.
Grass will stay dormant. Unless there is a fire hazard, don't worry about it.
call me mom hand in bad shape
I love the fountain, and I notice your Hydrangeas are blooming so pretty!
Thanks for your help in identifying my rose as Scentimental. I've been out of town at a family reunion - I was so happy when I checked my blog last night to find your response.
Have a wonderful day!
Lea's Menagerie
@Nell, I have a been trying to find a historical data base for rainfall amounts. The pool almost needs filling so I know we are definitely in one. When is to going to rain?
@Lea, I have a thing for striped roses. It's a beautiful rose. I have one similar called Rock & Roll.
@Mom..I'll call you.
I looked at Wunderground and found historical rainfall amounts. My area is down an inch which doesn't seem much but considering three inches is the norm, that is almost 1/3.
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